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Spotlight - Isabella Preisz

Today's spotlight highlights a highly creative member of our community. We asked Izzy a couple of questions to get her thoughts on life, culture, and everything in between. 

Izzy is a creative in every sense of the word. A writer/poet with works available, a podcast host and a true fighter for equality.

Follow her on Instagram @isabellapreisz and find her work here

How did you get into writing and what you are working on today? 
Great question. I wouldn't necessarily say that I go into writing. I feel like — however cliche this may sound — writing got inside me of me. I really gravitated towards a journaling process during my freshman year of college. I found myself in a new place surrounded by new people and I craved a pastime that offered solitude, reflection, & connection. Before I knew it, I had filled up about three journals. After my freshman year, I decided to leave California and embark on a two month trip to Indonesia instead of attending summer school. I don't know it was about that place, but it changed something inside of me. I woke up every morning to watch the sunrise, drink a cup of tea, and write. Once I returned, I decided to leave University (I was studying Communication) and go to a school where I could major in creative writing. Fast forward to now, I have a BA in English with an emphasis in Poetry from USC.

As for projects now, I am actually not "working" on anything specifically. I just published a book called hours inside out in May of 2020. That project was insanely demanding so I'm just enjoying what it means to be a work in progress and allow myself the space and permission to experiment.


What do you define the feeling of Nostalgia as? 


Nostalgia feels like a throb in my chest. A sudden desire to drive down PCH with insanely loud music with no particular destination and all the windows down. Nostalgia smells like fresh rain on asphalt. A random decision to text someone, "Hey, I hope you're having a great day. I haven't talked to you in a bit." Nostalgia is ice cream popsicles in the summer with my sister. Driving past my old high school when I'm in town and rolling the windows down to hear the football whistles. It's all encompassing.


How has growing up in Los Angeles shaped your view on culture (fashion, music, art etc.)?

Damn. So much to say here. To be honest, I have such a dynamic relationship with this city. My relationship with LA is as complex and layered as my relationship with the closest people in my life. When I was younger, I felt so disconnected with living here. I really disliked the feeling of constantly comparing myself to the models, influencers, and people — particularly women — who kind of embody what everyone thinks of LA when they don't live here (not saying all those mentioned people act like that, but some do.) The bling, the botox, the g-wagon. You get the picture. That lifestyle really isn't for me.

I truly felt connected to this city right around the time I started changing my perspective and seeing that LA has so many diverse pockets. I am so moved by the connected culture here. I feel like in some way, we all know each other. I love how collaborative this city is as well. When you really find your tribe and community — it really clicks. With music, I love how much we are always surrounded by it. How there's always a show or a band to groove to. For fashion — I just really love to get crazy with it sometimes. Even though everyone is out here just looking hot as hell... sometimes I just want to mess around and not take it so seriously. Fashion truly is just another form of expression. It truly depends on my mood.

How can brands help push society to be more inclusive? Any examples of brands that you see doing this successfully

Take a stance. And do something about what you believe in. And I'm not just saying, start a philanthropy and put it on your about page. If you're going to say "Black Lives Matter," prove to us what that means through consistent action. Hire more people of color. Stand up when events take place that don't align with that message. Use your privilege and power and money to stand up and change something in this world. We have enough empty brands, statements, and fake stuff out there. My favorite brands who stand by strong ideologies are @Cocokind or @RalphieandAlice. Also, @YouthToThePeople.

What role does fashion play in your life and how has it changed in the past few years?

As much as I love to experiment & play, I also fully have a uniform in the moments in between. Usually it's a red lip with a simple blazer. Dress in summer, jeans in the winter. I also really dig trousers. Fashion, for me, is just a continuation of my mood and thoughts. And if I can't figure that out, I will try on everything in my closet until that feeling clicks. Over the years, I've learned to allow myself the freedom to just wear whatever I am feeling when I wake up. It's it's sweats — make it cute. It's a platform Gucci scandal, add a colorful sock. Be free to flow. 

What things from the past make you nostalgic? Anything you wish would make a comeback?

Anything from the 80's. I just love the corky, odd, bulky, colorful moments. The high-wasted jeans and the big ass hair.